I saw this on Facebook and thought it would be fun for the blog... (I don't really use facebook.)
What are your middle names? Ann, Douglas
How long did you know each other before you started dating? Which time??? We new each other about four weeks when Mike ask me out the first time... The second date didn't happen until 13 months later!
Who asked who out? Mike was a such a gentleman, a REAL MAN, and asked me out!!!
Whose siblings do you see the most? Probably mine, as most of them live in the Salt Lake City.
Do you have any children together? No, but we will in the next life!
What about pets? Nope, just stray cats and watching our birds... Oh, we usually have a rat every summer under our porch that we have to...
Did you go to the same school? Well, we both went to BYU, but not at the same time!
Who is the most sensitive? I'd say Mike is more sensitive. I'm too practical to be sensitive.
Where do you eat out most as a couple? Mi Ranchitos, Chuck-a-rama, and Asian Buffet
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? It's probably a tie between our 29 day trip via driving to Alaska or our cruise to the Panama Canal.
Who has the craziest exes? n/a
Who has the worst temper? Neither of us have a temper
Who does the cooking? Sidney does, although recently Mike has come up with a couple of 'gourmet' meals that were actually pretty good!
Who is more social? Sidney
Who is the neat freak? Mike
Who is the most stubborn? Funny this subject would come up. About a month ago, Mike and I had this conversation for the first time and we both thought the other was more stubborn, in some situations. We both had a laugh over this subject!
Who hogs the bed? Definitely Sidney. But, to defend myself... I told Mike prior to our marriage that I slept in the middle of any bed that I was in. He told me that was 'okay' because he always slept on just one side (about 1/3) of the bed and never moved over to the other side. (He had a king size bed!) Only once in a while does he have to ask me to move over so he has more 'room'!
Who wakes up earlier? Definitely Sidney
Where was your first date? We went to lunch at Marie Calendars on Foothill Drive - which has since closed and been remodeled as a Red Robin.
Who has the bigger family? We both have the same number of siblings. Sidney - 4 brothers, Mike - 2 brothers, 2 sisters
Do you get flowers often? I've never had flowers from Mike because I told him that I don't really want to spend our money on something that dies. I'd rather spend our money on VACATIONS - like our trip to Alaska!!!
How long did it take to get serious? About two months after we started dating the second time - although Sidney already knew she was going to marry Mike months and months before our second date.
Who eats more? I'll never tell...
Who sings better? Sidney,
Who does the laundry? We both do! (See past blog about the WASH!) http://mikesidney.blogspot.com/2009/02/wash.html
Who’s better with the computer? Definitely Sidney
Who drives when you are together? Usually Mike, but sometimes Sidney
Who picks where you go to dinner? Usually Mike, but sometimes Sidney
Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? We don't really have disagreements, so this doesn't happen often, but we both are willing to admit when we were wrong. YEA!!!
Who wears the pants in the relationship? Mike, of course!
Who eats more sweets? Probably Mike. He's more tempted by sweets than I am. I'd rather have salty food!
Copy and paste this into a new note and change the answers... You don't have to be married! If you read this, consider yourself tagged.
Weekly Family Schedule
5 years ago
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