Monday, February 9, 2009

The Wash...


Early this morning...

Sidney mentions to Mike: "Let's wash the sheets when you get up." Translated - Don't make the bed

11:30ish this morning...

Mike: Which wash cycle should I use to wash the sheets? Medium?

Sidney: Pause... Well, that depends on whether or not we have any towels or rags that need to be washed.

Mike: Aahh... That's where we DIFFER IN OUR WASHING PHILOSOPHIES! You know, I was a BACHELOR for a lot of years... (I think that this is the first time Mike has ever thrown in his 'bachelor' status for a little emphasis!)

Sidney: Laughter....

Blog Poll
Please vote for your favorite 'wash philosophy'!

Wash Philosophies

Mike: You should wash the sheets separately - without other items - because they are so expansive, they need to be able to turn over and move freely in the water because there is so much of an area that needs to be washed. If you put other things in them, such as towels, there is less opportunity for the [sheet] fabric to have water pass through it freely - aka wash them!

Sidney: The fuller the washer - with the same types of items, washed the same way - the less laundry to do.

Please vote... The polls will be open for 14 days. I can't wait to hear what you think!


lcdiaz said...

I guess its the Christensen in me but I do agree with Uncle Mike. I wash our sheets by themselves. :)

Mandy said...

Steve here. If it was up to me there would only be two loads. One load of lights and one load of darks, and until I was married that was how I did my laundry.

Tyler said...

I got to go with Sidney on this one. The less laundry the better.

Navylangs said...

This issue is so close to my heart - we had to vote from ChiangMai.

Mandy said...

I agree with you Sidney. Add towels too...