Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm in the middle of preparing a talk and decided to look at past blogs, for a little 'inspiration'. I found this blog, posted last december...

I was reading through the list and realized I'd accomplished a few additional things this past year. Thus, I'm updating the list. You may find my changes in RED.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Julie & Julia

Why am I blogging about this movie? Well... I read in the paper last evening that the movie had been a disappointment, only making 47 million (Oh, yes, a 'disappointment'. I'd take 47 million!) I decided to 'talk it up' because Mike and I went to see the movie yesterday.

I had been wanting to see this movie ever since I'd seen the trailer. We even splurged and went to a matinee, rather than waiting for the dollar flick - which we usually do. I guess I was a little impatient!

Mike thought he was taking me to another chick flick, but after the movie was over he said, "This wasn't a chick flick." I really enjoyed it. He'd had his doubts before the show, wondering how a show about cooking could possibly be interesting, but it was!

So, the moral of this blog...

1. It isn't a chick flick, the husbands/men in your life will enjoy it as well.
2. It is very entertaining and watching Meryl Streep as Julia is well worth it!
3. Let's help out the entertainment business and give it a couple of more million dollars, so this show won't be a 'disappointment'.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

This is where we were early this morning...

Mike and I and my brother Steven attended the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Dedication this morning at 9:00am. We were up at one of the buildings at the University of Utah Campus (I don't think we ended up at the one we were 'supposed' to be at!) We saw lots of students and very few families or anyone we recognized! But we were there!!! A spiritual and sacred experience for me personally.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Julie's Wedding

Yesterday, our niece Julie was married. Mike and I attended as Julie Christensen wed Drew Graham and became Julie Graham! Here are a few pictures from the day...

Mr. and Mrs. Graham
Sue, Drew, Julie & Kirk
Nephew Tyler and his family. Wife Sarah, Lilly (3 1/2), Ivy (1 month)

Mike (my husband!) and his sister, Suzanne

Niece Marci Christensen

Tyler, Drew, Julie & Marci

Papa (Kirk) with his grandchildren Lilly and William

Kirk, Lilly, William, Julie and Marissa

I also realized that I forgot to take pictures at the reception, thus I missed many more family members. But, I guess it's okay, just this once, as it was Julie & Drew's big day. The focus was on them and Kirk's family!

It's the little things that make me happy!

My new crockpot!

I have a new crockpot! I am SO excited. I was given it today in Relief Society because the sister teaching the lesson said, "Oh, and by the way, this is an extra crock pot so if there is anyone who wants it, they can have it." I immediately perked up and said, "I'll take it!" I was so excited!!!
Why would an older model crock pot make me so happy???

1. They cook slower than the new models
2. I won't have to wait for family members die to inherit their old crock pots.
3. It's the right size for our family!
4. I won't have to cook in my newer, bigger Crock pot anymore! YEA!!! I hate that crock pot and just two days ago, Mike has suggested that I cook some beans in it and I must have given him a look because I didn't say anything to him. He then responded, "You must really hate that crockpot" I responded by saying, "Yes." Then I gave him numerous reasons for feeling this way.

The despised crockpot.... (booooooooooooo)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Hero...

Yesterday, I was unloading the dishwasher when I accidently dropped a plate and it broke. Being shoeless, I called for Mike to come and sweep a path for me so I could put on my shoes and help clean up.
Mike quickly came to the rescue, but I didn't really pay attention. Once my shoes were on, then I 'saw' Mike. Evidently I caught him in the middle of something!!! I just had to take a picture!

My hero!