Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's the little things that make me happy!

My new crockpot!

I have a new crockpot! I am SO excited. I was given it today in Relief Society because the sister teaching the lesson said, "Oh, and by the way, this is an extra crock pot so if there is anyone who wants it, they can have it." I immediately perked up and said, "I'll take it!" I was so excited!!!
Why would an older model crock pot make me so happy???

1. They cook slower than the new models
2. I won't have to wait for family members die to inherit their old crock pots.
3. It's the right size for our family!
4. I won't have to cook in my newer, bigger Crock pot anymore! YEA!!! I hate that crock pot and just two days ago, Mike has suggested that I cook some beans in it and I must have given him a look because I didn't say anything to him. He then responded, "You must really hate that crockpot" I responded by saying, "Yes." Then I gave him numerous reasons for feeling this way.

The despised crockpot.... (booooooooooooo)

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