Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Keeping a Promise...

In June 0f 2000, I took my niece Alishea to Nauvoo. As my brother Bryan and niece Alexis - then 3 years of age - dropped us off at the airport, Alexis all of a sudden realized that she was NOT going with us. The visual memory of her sobbing in Bryan's arms at the curb as we pulled out our luggage is still etched in my mind. She wanted to go to Nauvoo! I promised her then that I would take her to Nauvoo one day, when she was older. With this trip, I have kept my promise!

Day 1- April 6, 2009
Alexis wanted to fly. Mike wanted to drive. We compromised with the train.

Boarding Amtrak in Salt Lake City at 4:30am

Lexi had her own 'double' seat!

Mike enjoying the ride!

Arrival in Omaha at 6:00am, April 7th!

Highpoints & Lowpoints of the Train

HP: We can walk around, get up and down, change seats, and even go to the bathroom whenever we want!

HP: Sleeping, snoozing, whenever we desire

HP: Playing games to pass the time

LP: Metal bar between the two seats that makes sleeping uncomfortable

LP: Trying to find a comfortable position to sleep

HP: Plenty of LEG ROOM

HP: We can eat on the train. (We brought our own food so that we didn't have to eat the train food. Alexis wanted to eat in the dining car. We did so once, and then after that, she never asked to go back.)

HP: Munchies bar - Alexis loved this!

LP: Alexis was required to wear shoes on the train. She doesn't really like to wear shoes.

HP: Sidney was able to sit by Mike and talk with him!

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