Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sunday School Lesson Relearned...

It all started Sunday afternoon when I casually checked my email and found that someone had purchased another of my items from etsy. I was so excited! Then the dreaded fear and I thought, "Of all the items out there, I bet it's the American Flag". When I dug deeper, it was!

Sample Flag

Of course, the American Flag was still at Brenda's, waiting to be quilted...

Knowing better... I called Brenda and asked if I could come down later that evening, yes it is SUNDAY EVENING, and quilt the flag. I mean, someone had already sent me money for this flag and I didn't even have it finished yet! Great justification... but not really.

Now the Sunday School Lesson... I started to quilt the flag and wouldn't you know it, I had problems from the start. I ended up unpicking things THREE times and it took almost two hours to quilt. (It should have taken 30 minutes.) In the middle of my unpicking, I asked myself, "Why is this happening?" It then hit me that I was 'working' on Sunday, so to speak.


With the flag finished and in the mail, I've committed to do no more 'quilting work' on the Sabbath.


lcdiaz said...

Your good to do no quilting work on Sunday. I would think that would be a great quilting day haha. You're a great example.

Becky said...

Sidney, I had no idea you blogged. I found you on Annette's. How fun.