Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spontaneous Monday

Scenario: Mike and I are driving around town running errands...
Mike: "I'm ready for a road trip to Seattle or Houston. Let's leave right now."

Sidney: "We could go drive to Wendover for their lunch buffet ( 'Buffet' is a MAGIC word to Mike!) or drive up to Evanston."
We chose Evanston... (Better driving scenery!)

What is in Evanston? Not much!

Experiences from our trip...

1. Mike spilled a 44 oz drink in a Park City c-store
2. We drove around downtown Evanston about FIVE times
3. Evanston doesn't have many places to eat - believe it or not, I think Blanding has more options!
4. By virtue of the chinese restaurant being closed, we ended up eating at a GREAT mexican restaurant - Don Pedro - located on Front Street
5. Evanston has a FABRIC STORE!!! I made a purchase

A Funny...
We were at the Chamber of Commerce trying to see if there was anything of interested to see or do in Evanston. Mike ended up in the 'important room'. When he came out he said, "The sheets that you use for drying your hands are the THINNEST I have ever seen. So, I took one as a proof of their thinness." Okay, it may not seem funny to you, but it was to me.

Thus, the only picture I have is of the THIN PAPER TOWEL!!!

The 'thin' sheet

Yea for Evanston and our day of memories!!!


Katie said...

Oh Sidney- remember my days in Wyoming? I could have told you about Evanston. :) If you had gone an hour more up the road to the booming metropolis of Mt. View, you would have found an adorable quilt shop. And seen where I spent my summer - not much to see. Next time make that roadtrip to Houston!! You're always invited!!!

Jodi said...

I love your spontaneous trip to Evanston! Way to enjoy life. I love looking at the little couch you helped me with, by the way, cause it will always remind me of you! glad to know things are going well.

Sabby said...

What a fun day! Sorry to see all that snow, we are getting a lot of rain here, no sunshine! Hope all is well there!