Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dear Mike...

While you were sleeping, I did the following...

Dumped out our compost bucket and some of our geranium pots into the soil.

Attempted to clean off the kitchen table... Didn't quite happen.

Went to Vicki's to use her printer - I can't wait until our printer is fixed on Monday afternoon!

Boxed up an Etsy Sale from my new shop The Red Geranium

Played computer games... (don't I always!)
Entered another post on the Lyman Reunion Blog. (It's a good thing the reunion is only six weeks away. I'm not sure what else to post!)

Cleaned the kitchen - a couple of times!

Prepared a couple of items for Sunday dinner

Made spring rolls - and ate some too!

Made Seven Layer Dip

It's now about 3:00pm and I'm done for the day. Love, Me.

1 comment:

Becky said...

He seriously slept while you did ALL that? What a busy bee.