Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Honk 'Em Home

Well, Mike and I learned of another Blanding tradition on Sunday afternoon. I was over at the church playing the piano for choir practice. All of a sudden, I hear lots and lots of sirens and horns honking. Angela Hurst walks out of church like she knows exactly 'what is wrong', her daughter Klea follows quickly behind her. I'm clueless...

We finish singing the piece we are working on and then someone said, "Oh, the Volleyball Team is home".

(In case you didnt' know, on Saturday, the San Juan High School Girls Volleyball Team took the State Championship in Division 2A.)

THE TRADITION: When a team takes a state championship, the fire trucks and police lead the winning team home along mainstreet with their sirens. Cars then follow along honking their horns. It causes a smile to come to your face. So, at 5:00pm on Sunday afternoon, we are at Main Street watching this impromptu parade go up and down mainstreet as the town "honked 'em home". I loved it!

NOTE: The town is expecting another parade in two weeks when the San Juan Bronco Football team is expected to play and WIN the State Championship. I guess last year when they won, they returned home in the middle of the night.... We'll see what happens this year!

Other news...

Last Friday afternoon Adrienne brought Jett and Tenli over in their Halloween Costumes to visit Granny and Grand dad. Are they not just darling?!? It's a good thing I had bought the candy the day before. Mike and I gave them boatloads of candy!

Jett, Adrienne, Tenli

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