Friday, April 2, 2010

Scrappy Quilts

I cannot throw fabric scraps away!!! Instead, I make scrappy quilts. Here is my latest...

The latest scrappy quilt!
You can see more of the design.
It is my version of a 'crazy eight'.

Before the Quilting...

No matter what type of quilt I am making, the thinking process is always the same. Once I have the quilt top put together, I think, "Oh, I don't think it is that cute." Then, I find a cute back and have it quilted and then, no matter the quilt, "It turns out darling".
This quilt is no exception. It turned out darling. It is twin sized and I am going to donate to a local organization for Refugees.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

you are amazing. i can't believe you're going to just donate that beautiful quilt. that's awesome.