Sunday, June 13, 2010

Project, Project, Project...

This title sums up my life. We have been full of projects since arriving in Blanding. This week I
finished painting the window sills and then made curtains for the kitchen windows. They turned out darling.

New curtains!

I also had a pedicure. Mike's parents and sister Suzanne gave me a pedicure for my birthday. It has been a while since I had one and I had forgotten how nice it is to have my feet rubbed!

I also drove to Cortez on Thursday and visited the quilt shop and stopped by Walmart for several things. It was a nice little day trip, although I don't think I'll be going over anytime soon.
I also purchased fruit and vegetables on Saturday. I couldn't believe how many other people in town were aware of the organization. One down side of Blanding is the produce department at the local grocery store. It isn't very good. This is a much better alternative for a much better price! I had a huge basket of fruit and vegetables for $15.00. (Thanks Emily for sharing this with me!)
I am still swimming at the pool on a fairly regular basis - 4-5 times a week. I enjoy every minute of it and have met several women via swimming. Next week, more projects. Soon, I'll be able to 'relax' and start quilting again!

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