Sunday, July 11, 2010

One-One Hundreth

In the Book of Mormon, from time to time the writer will state, "This is only one-one hundreth of what we can write" or words to that effect. In a sense, I feel like these pictures are only one-one hundreth of what Mike and I have been doing this past week.

I went to a quilt show in Montrose, Colorado on Saturday with members of the Grayson Country Quilters Quilt Guild here in Blanding. I bought this fabric to make the quilt from the pattern - which is also in the picture. I'm quite excited to begin, although I have quilt in the works for my brother Roger. That quit top will need to be finished before I can work on this one.

Our Garden is growing! We water and weed and 'pray for our crops'!

Corn... It just shot up this week!

Green Tomatoes on our plants!!!

Mike has been digging out elm trees and its stumps. These elms have shoots all over our yard - the part that isn't in grass. We are working towards putting in a sprinkling system and putting grass in our back yard. The good news is that we found the reason why the front curb was weeds instead of grass. A pipe was broken. Now, that's an easy fix!

Mike picked up our "Bountiful Basket" on Saturday. (The green grapes and blueberries are in the fridge.) This week's basked included white asparagus - which I've never seen nor eaten and lots and lots of brussel sprouts. I'm reading up on how to best prepare them. Last time we had chard in our basket and it has become a new Christensen favorite!

My dad has always taught me that when ever I move somewhere, I need to find a hardware store. Not a chain like Home Depot or Lowes, but a true mom & pop hardware store. Redd's Hardware in Blanding is my choice - my only choice. I am a LOYAL customer, patronizing the store 2-3 times a week. I can't wait until all of our projects are completed so I don't have to go over so often!


Jules said...

You guys are giving the house such a great overhaul! It's going to look so fresh and nice when you're done.

Navylangs said...

Oooo - I like the bountiful basket. We did Oahu Fresh in Hawaii - essentially a farmers market sampling each week. I'm assuming yours is something similar.
That's how we discovered swiss chard, too!