Saturday, July 3, 2010

4th of July Celebration, etc.

The FREE WOOD that we offered to anyone who wanted to pick it up was....

Taken within 48 hours of distributing the flyer. We now have an 'empty' spot where the wood once resided. Mike and I are both rejoicing. Maybe this woodpile is where our termite problem originated from...

We have new windows on the back porch. They arrived on Monday. This picture is of the old windows, but we do indeed have new windows now that open and chut and let fresh air flow through!

Lyman Family Reunion. It was a success! Mike's mother Caroline, who is 86 years of age, finally decided to take out her endowments. We took her to the the Monticello Temple on Friday, July 2nd. We had our Lyman family temple session and had both Caroline and her great-niece Katherine Lyman go through for the own endowment. Katherine is headed to the Cleveland Ohio Mission - Kirtland Visitors Center for her mission. She leaves on Aug. 4th!
This picture is of our dinner that evening. It's the only picture I took! Mike and I were in charge of this reunion, but his sibling all assisted in one way or another. I'm so grateful for all of their help!!! I definitely didn't have to do a lot because everyone pitched in! THANKS!!!

Don't you love our TV stand? Mike and I were in bed one evening and we 'created' what we wanted. The next day, I went to Redd's Hardware Store (yes dad, I have a 'hardware' store that I patronize frequently here in Blanding!) I picked up everything we needed and then a couple of days later, I 'built' it. It took about an hour. Mike and I both love it. It hangs about 16 inches from the ceiling and it is at a perfect height so that we can watch television in our bed. Plus, it doesn't cover the quilt I made as a wall hanging.

4th of July Celebration...

Mike rode is bike down to the parade!

The 'Posse'
(Some guy is running for sheriff so he advertised via the Posse. I thought it was clever.)

Highway Patrol Car from the 1950's

Only in Blanding can the LDS Missionaries ride in the parade!

Our home surrounded by family cars.

Our BBQ Dinner. Doug and Caroline ate on the front porch.

The rest of the family out on the front law.

The weather here in Blanding was perfect this year. Much cooler than last years 107 degrees. Our BBQ dinner outside was so fun. Thanks to our neighbors, the Hurst's, who have everything and loaned us the table and chairs and cooler!

1 comment:

go boo boo said...

Happy 4th! What fun! Although I really do miss you. XOXO