Friday, December 5, 2008

The Final Chapter...

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been thinking that I should add a final chapter to the seemingly unending saga of the Foothill 3rd Ward in the Salt Lake Foothill Stake.

As mentioned in previous blogs, since January of 2008, the Foothill 3rd Ward has been through three bishops, three buildings, and two building moves. Plus, numerous other challenges. But the good news is that we have become victorious! Yea!!!

Since moving to our third building this year, the Foothill 3rd Ward has finally found a 'home'. The first week we were in this beautiful building, that was remodeled just a couple of years ago, everyone felt that we were 'home'. I honestly hadn't realized what a toll the other building had taken on our spirits. With the merging of two wards, our Relief Society had become SO large we were meeting in a room with no windows, no fufu (warm decor) for the sisters, and very high ceilings. It was as barren as some of the hearts of the members of our ward. But since our move in mid-October, the Foothill 3rd Ward has blossomed! It is so delightful. Everyone now seems to be willing to unite and be one. We really are becoming one ward again and it is wonderful. We have youth, we have primary children, and we have lots of babies being born. We are thriving! I know that all of these changes have been hard on people, including myself, but for different reasons.
I've always been a fan of change, but I have to say that after this year as Relief Society President amid all of these changes, I'm ready for a little stability!
Roosevelt Building
Building #3 - Our 'Home'

Dilworth Building (soon to be demolished and rebuilt)

Building #2 - Jan 2008 thru Oct 2008


Texas Street Building

Building #1

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