Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blanding Visit...

The forecast called for snow, and it snowed! It snowed all day Monday and frankly, I liked it! The snow was light and crystally, peaceful and white. It was beautiful. (For once I was glad to be inside the WARM, 80 degree, Green House!!! Just kidding!!!) I know there was at least a foot of snow in Blanding when we arose Tuesday morning. And for the record, when we drove home Wednesday, there was more snow in Blanding than any other town we drove through, (except for Monticello). The Four Corners area scored with this storm. Our home in Salt Lake only had 3-4 inches. Thanks to the road crews who keep the roads cleared!

The Green House Tuesday morning

Notice the nicely shoveled walks? Bro. Flannery, Caroline's home teacher, showed up bright and early Tuesday morning to shovel the snow. (I guess it pays to stay in bed until 10:00am and let someone else do the 'work'!) Seriously, we were all very grateful for the service he rendered. How thoughtful!

Suzanne's Car covered in snow
Suzanne & I started to dig out her car Tuesday evening (Truthfully, Suzanne did most of it, I joined in later). The sun was going down. The plows had kindly 'plowed her in'. Three girls came by and started digging and then a guy in town, just driving by, - Zac Drake - asked if Suzanne would like to be towed out. (Zac is our new best friend!) We took him up on it. Then, just as he was getting things hooked up, another guy was driving around town with a plow on the front of his truck came by and said that he would plow out in front of the house, once the car was move. I was just amazed by people's generousity. I LOVE SMALL TOWNS!!!

Mike, standing between the Buick with snow and our car,
which had been cleaned off by Caroline's home teachers.

Highlights from this Trip
  1. Our 'Concert' on Sunday afternoon singing our favorite hymns and Christmas carols.
  2. Suzanne's delicious dinner on Sunday - Chicken enchilada's, orange jello salad, yellow squash, etc.
  3. Julene's delicious taco soup on Monday evening. There were leftovers so I made taco salad for lunch on Tuesday.
  4. Putting up the Christmas Decorations, listening to Christmas music
  5. Sleeping with Mike... Don't get the wrong idea. Remember, he works nights!!!
  6. A game of Trivial Pursuit!
  7. Oh, and one more thing... In Blanding, you don't need Temple Square, we have the home of Stan and Angela Hurst decorated with lots and lots of lights. Luckily, Stan and Angela live directly across the street from Mike's parents. So, we had a great light display each evening!!! (I tried to take a picture, but it just didn't turn out.)

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