Tuesday, December 22, 2009


In case I missed you, here's our Christmas letter...
Merry Christmas!

The year 2009 has been one of many blessings. Much of our life has remained constant, with very little change.

Mike continues to work as a security guard at the Triad Center. Earlier this year, he was called to serve in the High Priest group leadership. Mike is starting to think about working on his next novel. The rough draft is done, now it is a matter of getting it typed out, etc. Hopefully next year, we’ll have more to share on his latest novel. I am always excited about Mike’s writing. Writing is Mike’s first love, after me of course!

I continue to serve as Ward Relief Society President. This is my fourth Christmas season serving as Relief Society President and gratefully, the year of 2009 has been drama free. After all of the ward changes in 2008, this year has seemed like a breeze! I continue to enjoy quilting, watching Survivor (yes, I am a fan!), and managing our rental properties. I am also singing the Messiah with a community choir this holiday season. I haven’t sung in a choir for several years and I am enjoying singing again!

In April of this year, we vacationed in Nauvoo, Illinois. After nine years, Sidney was able to keep a promise made to niece Alexis and take her to Nauvoo. We tried a new travel method, Amtrak. Let’s just say that we probably won’t travel by train again, but it worked for our schedule this trip. We enjoyed our time in Nauvoo and the surrounding area. For details of our trip, check out our blog at http://www.mikesidney.blogspot.com/.

We continue to travel to Blanding on a regular basis. As Mike’s parents health continues to decline, we feel the need to be down there more often. We are very grateful for his sister Suzanne, who has sacrificed some time in her life and move to Blanding to care for them.

Mike and I have a new goal for 2010, we are going to begin biking. Hopefully next year we will be able to share some of our bicycling travels. We will be starting with flat, paved trails. If you have any suggestions, let us know!!!

As always, at this Christmas season, we remember the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. We are so grateful for our Savior, for the restored gospel and our testimonies. We wish you and your family a joyous holiday season as you celebrate the birth and life of our Savior!

With love, Mike and Sidney Christensen

1 comment:

go boo boo said...

love the letter! four years! & park city has a great, paved, flat trail (if you start at the old train trail, forget the name, I will remind you in spring).