Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The story behind the FABRIC...

Last evening Mike received the proverbial phone call asking him to work an overtime shift... Well, I have to confess, I wasn't too happy. He's worked three (3) shifts in the past 10 days and frankly, I was feeling a little neglected... (See The Five Languages of Love... my love language is quality time!!!) I hadn't had any QUALITY TIME with the most important person in my life!!! (Mike asleep in the bedroom during the day does not qualify as QUALITY TIME!)

After Mike and I discussed all of this and established a new rule for next weekend... NO acceptance of overtime offers! - and I reminded him that my birthday is this FRIDAY and I am expecting QUALITY TIME - I went into another room and started to giggle quite loudly, I might add. Mike wanted to know what was so funny and I told him, "This [meaning the overtime shift last night] might just cost you a trip to the fabric store [for me]! Always the great man that is he, he thought it was a great idea!

So, here's a few pictures of my new fabric! I don't know what I'll make with it, but I know that Brenda & Bethany (twoquiltingb's) will help me out. They always have great ideas!!!

I'm always a sucker for fall colors!
This fabric 'spoke' to me!

Oooh, I don't usually go for pinks, but I see a lot of possibility with this fabric!

The yellow doesn't show up here, but I think this is neutral enough that I could use it with a variety of projects I have in mind!

P.S. Mike came home this morning and had figured out how much money he'd earned in overtime the past two days and said, "Well, there ____ dollars, I think that it's enough for the fabric store!" I laughed, knowing good and well there was NO WAY I'd spend that much money! But thanks honey, for my trip to the fabric store. I had a great time and, by-the-way, most of what I purchased was on the clearance rack.


Katie said...

Love it! I need a trip to the fabric store . . . We'll be in town in a few weeks and are planning Mason's 1st b-day party. If you can- save the evening of June 19th!! I'll keep you posted.

Sidney said...

Sounds great! I'll keep the 19th opened.